Testo dell’e-mail dll’Ambasciatore degli Stati Uniti d’America

From: Fletcher, John H
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 8:38 AM
To: ESO, Rome; ‘GSO Warehouse’; Rome ABMC Group; Rome Chancery Users; Rome CONS Users; Rome Sembler Building Users; Rome USUN Users; Rome VATICAN Embassy Users

Subject: A Message from Ambassador David Thorne: Join me to Volunteer for Retake Roma’s Earth Day clean-up!

I believe most of you may have seen the article in the Veneto Views about the Retake Roma Earth Day clean-up event this Saturday, April 2nd.

I am planning to participate in the clean-up, and I wanted to extend a warm invitation to all of you who care to join me.

It will be a fun opportunity to volunteer for Earth Day and support our neighbors and the community in Municipio II, where I and many of you also live.

If your children like to paint, they can bring their paints and ideas to help out with a mural that will be painted on the panels around the Metro construction site.

When: Saturday, April 2, 14:00-18:00

Where: Piazza Annibaliano (Piazza Annibaliano/Viale Eritrea). The meeting point is at the BP petrol station at the corner of via S. Agnese and via Bressanone. (Bring along a dust mask, metal brushs, or scrapers if you have them and wear work clothes!)

For more information: romaretakers@aim.com info@associazioneamuse.it

Join the event on our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=163527467036418

See you there!

Ambassador Thorne

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